Y5 Trip to Hampton Court

We are excited to inform you that Year 5 will be visiting Hampton Court Palace as part of their learning about the Tudors. During this trip, the students will have the opportunity to explore the palace and participate in an engaging workshop focused on Tudor palaces and world trade.

All children must wear school uniform and a comfortable pair of trainers. As the weather can be unpredictable, your child needs to wear a coat that is waterproof and warm. They will also need to bring a nut-free packed lunch in a rucksack and water bottle (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks).

Please could your child be in school at 8:40am ready to leave by coach at 9:00am. We will return to school at approximately 3:30pm.

There is no contribution required for this event, but we ask that you provide permission via Arbor. Please complete this by Thursday 30th January.

If you have any questions regarding this trip, please speak to your child's class teacher.