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- Our Curriculum
Our broad and balanced curriculum has been designed to inspire and excite our children and to meet the needs of the 21st century. Our aim is for our curriculum to extend the children's knowledge, skills and understanding and develop personal attributes.
All subjects are taught progressively throughout the year and across the school. Children’s learning builds on previously learnt skills and knowledge. The curriculum is relevant to the children in our school, and reflects key events of the time. It is rich in language allowing children to use new vocabulary confidently. It is inclusive so that all children can grow and achieve with their learning and all cultures, backgrounds and beliefs will be reflected. Our curriculum is diverse in content so that the children can learn a wide variety of skills and knowledge that will be useful to them as they develop and grow. Most of all, our curriculum will be enriching so that both staff and students are keen and eager to deliver lessons and take part in activities both in and out of the classroom.
Our Intent
- To provide a progressive, rich in language, inclusive, diverse and enriching curriculum which has its roots based on our school values of happiness, enthusiasm, aspiration, respect and togetherness
- To deliver an ambitious, aspirational curriculum which is well planned and is specifically designed to meet the needs of our community
- To provide an engaging curriculum which is planned sequentially, allowing children to build on previous learning and securing firm foundations for the future
- To excite, inspire and empower children through a range of cultural experiences alongside offering a range of literature that reflects our values and validates their realities
- To promote a sense of community for our children, families and the wider community including service families
- To prepare children so that they leave Brookwood as independent, articulate, motivated, aspirational and confident young people ahead of their next stage of education.
- Teachers will have strong subject knowledge and will be supported to maintain and improve this knowledge through training, observing best practice and undertaking relevant research
- Subject leaders will provide colleagues with support for planning, resourcing and teaching
- Lessons will incorporate examples; retrieval practice and, over time, revisit teaching and knowledge skills
- Materials within lessons will be broken down into manageable ‘chunks’ to ensure access to learning
- High quality texts will be used from Reception to Year 6 building on the foundations of excellent teaching of phonics through Bug Club
- The school curriculum map will be planned to ensure that teaching is sequential with the teacher ensuring that knowledge and skills are taught in a logical and progressive order
- The teaching of key and rich vocabulary will be a primary feature in all subjects
The impact of our curriculum is evaluated through end of unit, termly and end of year assessments (eg Government tests); through regular Governor and Trust meetings, reviews, visits and through our own monitoring of teaching, learning and pupil voice.
- All children achieve well by developing knowledge and skills on their journey through school. This is demonstrated through successful outcomes at EYFS, Phonics (Year 1), MTCs (Year 4) and Key Stage 2.
- Through our school values, we instil the importance of being inclusive, motivated and respectful
- Our curriculum is inclusive and diverse and children with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes
- Children leave Brookwood ready for a successful transition to secondary school.