- RE sessions throughout the school using the Surrey Agreed Syllabus
- Collective worship and class-based assemblies
- Weekly singing assemblies
- Inviting parents in to share their beliefs and traditions
- Show and tell
- Church services
- Topic WOWs
- Using the school grounds as an integral part of our learning
*Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
- The Heart of Brookwood values up in each room
- Circle time sessions
- The PSHE curriculum - SCARF
- Discussing moral dilemmas
- Golden Tea party each half term
- Star of the week
- Values certificates
- Earning tokens for our house
- Using a restorative justice approach
- Pastoral support throughout school
- Sharing stories
- Positive praise
*The Rule of Law/Individual liberty
- Working in mixed ability groups, peer to peer assessment, talk partners
- Role play in the classroom
- School Council
- Eco committee
- House captains
- Wellbeing Champions
- Class assemblies, Christmas production, Christmas parties
- School Visitors
- School clubs
- Year group/phase trips and residentials
- Golden tea parties
- Helping others in the community – Bringing tins at Harvest for the local food bank; raising money for Red Nose Day
- Outdoor learning
*Democracy – having the right to have our voices heard
- RE sessions
- Music sessions using Kapow SoW
- French lessons (KS2)
- Bastille day
- Finding out about different celebrations during the school year- Harvest, Remembrance Day, Diwali, Bonfire Night, Hanukah, Christmas, Chinese New year, Easter, Eid ul Fitr
- Celebrating all of our children’s cultures and religions through sharing news, show and tell, inviting parents in to school
- School Council - voting to make class decisions
- Competing in local sporting events
- Sports Day
- Attending Pass out parades at ATC Pirbright
- Attendance at the Remembrance Day service at Brookwood Cemetery
*Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs