Beyond the Curriculum

Whilst we endeavour to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, we also aim to provide children with experiences which they may not otherwise be able to access outside of their school day.


Children in years 3 to 6 have weekly hour-long chess lessons built into their school day. These lessons are run by an external chess tutor and provide them with the opportunity to build skills in the following areas:

  • Reinforces numeracy and develops basic mathematical techniques, as well as developing problem solving skills
  • Development of creative and critical thinking skills
  • Comunication and interpersonal skills

Each lesson begins with a taught element, for example, a specific move or play, followed by the opportunity for children to engage in chess matches with their peers to put into action the theory they have learnt.

Outdoor learning

Outdoor learning enables children to learn new skills and use tools in a controlled and safe environment whilst also suppporting mental health and wellbeing and environmental awareness.

Each year group, divided into smaller groups, works with Mrs Baxter (LSA/Level 2 Forest schools). All year groups will have access to outdoor learning for a block of sessions each year:

Year group Dates (Tuesday PMs) 2024-25
Year 6 (Eucalyptus) 17th and 24th September, 1st and 8th October
Year 5 (Redwood) 12th, 19th and 26th November, 3rd December
Year 4 (Rowan) 14th, 21st and 28th January , 4th February
Year 3 (Silver Birch) 11th, 18th and 25th March, 1st April
Year 2 (Cherry) 29th April, 6th, 13th and 20th May
Year 1 (Pine) 10th and 17th June
Year R (Willow) 24th June, 1st July

For outdoor learning, children will be required to bring suitable outdoor clothing each week during their block of sessions:

  •  Old t-shirt or comfortable long sleeve top
  •  Wellingtons or sturdy trainers
  •  Waterproof trousers or spare trousers (i.e. jogging bottoms - PE kit joggers are fine)
  •  Waterproof jacket/ Warm fleece/ Warm coat if the weather is cold

Children will wear school uniform to school and change before outdoor learning. Old clothes are preferable. If your child does not bring spare clothes, then they will still be allowed to participate but please bear in mind that their school uniform will almost certainly get dirty!

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